Indigenous Portrait LGAs
Indigenous Portrait - by Commissioning Locality and Local Government Areas
Western Queensland Primary Health Network (WQPHN) have developed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander profiles (‘Indigenous Portraits’) using Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data for each of the 20 Local Government Area (LGAs) and respective WQPHN Commissioning Localities.
The Portraits have been developed using data from the Census, held every five years by the ABS, to paint a profile of the Indigenous population as it was in August 2016, and show how it has changed over the previous decade (across the three Census periods of 2006, 2011 and 2016).
Local Government Area (LGA)
Blackall-Tambo Regional Council
Bulloo Shire
Burke Shire
Carpentaria Shire
Diamantina Shire
Doomadgee Shire
McKinlay Shire
Mount Isa City
Quilpie Shire
WQPHN Commissioning Localities
Balonne Commissioning Locality
Central West Commissioning Locality
Far South West Commissioning Locality
Lower Gulf Commissioning Locality
Maranoa Commissioning Locality
Mount Isa & Surrounds Commissioning Locality
Western Corridor Commissioning Locality
Hospital and Health Service regions
Central West Hospital & Health Service
North West Hospital & Health Service
South West Hospital & Health Service
Whole of Western Queensland Primary Health Network
Western Queensland Primary Health Network
The WQPHN website was developed and is maintained by Michael R.G. Hughes of Extremely Geeky.
While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or the reliance on the information provided on this website.