
Webinar: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities living in a new COVID world: citizenship, community and responsibility

Date: Jul 8, 2021 10:00:00

Central Queensland, Wide Bay, Sunshine Coast PHN

You are invited to participate in a webinar about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities living in a new COVID world: citizenship, community and responsibility presented by James Ward, Director of Poche Centre, University of Qld.
This informative webinar is to give insight into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities living in a new COVID world: citizenship, community and responsibility.

There will be Q&A at the end of the presentation.
The attached flyer gives a summary of James’ bio and what he will be presenting about: COVID-19 thus far has had minimal impact on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population nationally, but this has not been because of luck, and instead swift leadership, actions as well as partnerships. Given we are still relatively new in the pandemic, much more needs to be implemented before we are in the clear. As we move forward, we have to change our focus to the agency within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as well as citizenship and responsibility.
This webinar is open to anyone who would like to participate
For more information view the flyer here

