
RFDS Outback Mental Health 5-part Webinar Series

Date: Sep 23, 2020 16:00:00

The free, live sessions will allow participants to connect with the RFDS Senior Mental Health Clinicians and Mental Health and Wellbeing Consultants on a range of interesting and informative topics.  A selection of downloadable resources will also be available to accompany the series.

Each webinar will begin at 4pm and run for 45 minutes with an opportunity to ask questions at the end.

23 September: “Stress less with RFDS” presented by Dr Tim Driscoll

This webinar explores one of the most commonly experienced and discussed mental health concerns, Stress! Everyone experiences some stress along the way, but what exactly is stress? How much is too much? And how bad is it really? When do we need to do something about stress? What are some things that help us to manage the stress that we all inevitably experience? And who can help if it is getting too much? What can we do to help someone else who might be struggling with too much of it? The Stress Less with RFDS Webinar will cover all these questions and more. Come along and get some practical skills and knowledge to stress less!

Other webinars:
7 October: “Mental health toolbox” presented by Cath Walker
28 October: “Take some time for relaxation” presented by Sharyn Bunn
4 November: “Sleep better with RFDS” presented by Cath Walker
25 November: “How to help yourselves and others manage reactions following traumatic events” presented by Cath Walker
