
Depression Dilemmas - Longreach

Date: Oct 24, 2020 00:00:00 to 23:59

Depression Dilemmas - Longreach

Program Outline

Despite improved awareness and education, there are still some presentations of depression that are highly challenging for clinicians to manage in the primary care setting. Depression Dilemmas is a new interactive workshop that tackles areas of treating mood disorders that clinicians can find particularly demanding. Using case studies as the platform for learning, the program explores strategies to tackle depression in the context of alcohol use disorder, late life depression and depression that is failing to remit despite seemingly adequate treatment. Open to both general practitioners and psychologists, this advanced workshop also provides an opportunity for the two professions to interact, share each other’s perspective and problem solve together.

Suitable for: GP Registrars, GPs, Multi-disciplinary, Psychologists, Social Workers, other mental health professionals.

Please note: More details to be provided closer to training date, delivery format has been amended due to COVID-19 pandemic, detail to be provided closer to program date.
